Say hello to a stay got even better

Elevated hotel facilities for a pleasant and productive stay

Mento Operating Hours

Breakfast Buffet | 6 am to 10 am

All Day Dining | 6 am to 3pm

Dinner and Night Haven | 5pm to 11pm

Room Service | 6 AM to 11 PM

We are open Monday to Sunday.

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Taste the Magic. Reach the Sky.

The most magical and exhilarting dining in Binondo is ready to welcome all walks of life who values relationships

nurtured through memories built over handcrafted food and exquisite service.

In the Heart of World's Oldest Chinatown

Your gateway to Manila's best, Ramada by Wyndham Manila Central brings you to a gastronomical adventures and cultural wonders that Binondo and City of Manila have to offer. Dine all-day all night. Explore with no limits. Shop until you are satisfied.